More on the Tyranids in 6th Edition coming up. It's been a busier month than I'd anticipated. And now for your viewing pleasure (and possible eyestrain), some pictures from today's Apocalypse game - Eldar vs. my Slaaneshi Daemons.
Each of us brought 3000 points, a single Superheavy, and chose one Strategic Asset. We agreed to set up and role off as normal, since Daemons have a slight advantage using the Apocalypse time bidding system. I won, and chose to go first, since my Superheavy, a Subjugator, would have to start on the table and could conceivably get a first turn charge...
It worked! It worked, now cower before my... ummm... guys...? guys?! |
As I'd hoped, the Subjugator was able to make a first turn charge into my opponent's screening Seer Council before they got a chance to cast Fortune. It didn't make a difference. The Council and Farseer, despite the lack of any buffs, tore off nearly half its hull points with their Witchblades, and took only a few casualties despite a Hellstorm template to the face followed by a Stomp attack. The Subjugator's Tormenter Cannons killed a few, but not nearly enough, of the Wraithguard behind the Council, while the Blastmaster scattered off the Disruptor Beacon (the small black tower) and stripped a hull point off my opponent's Superheavy, a Lynx. Speaking of the Beacon, note the lack Daemons in this shot. Most of them got moved into a corner on the opposite side of the board. Only the Daemonettes in the ruins will be in a position to do anything next turn.
Not cool guys, not cool. |
The picture speaks for itself. A salvo of Divination guided shots from the Wraithguard wrecked the Subjugator, which ironically left most of their guns out of range of my army. With LoS to only a few of the Daemonettes, the rest of the Eldar turn and obliterate one of my Heralds, then strip half the wounds from the other.
The right flank on Daemon turn 2. Only 3 units made it through the beacon, but they're the ones I would have chosen. In the upper right, the Daemonettes assaulted through the ruins and wrecked 2 of the 3 Warwalkers. Everyone else prepares to get shot. |
The rest of the Daemon force showed up on turn 2. Unfortunately, with the Beacon still in play, over half of them end up as far as way from the action as possible. Shooting does little damage
Ok guys, let's try this again! Praise Slaanesh for the Replacements strategem! Incidentally, every other unit in this corner is supposed to be in midfield, blocking those Wave Serpents filled with Dire Avengers. Thanks again, Disruptor Beacon! |
Most of my army is still out of range on the Eldar 2nd turn, save for the 3 units that got past the Beacon and the Daemonettes, who are at half strength after one of the Warwalkers exploded. Most of my army is still out of range,although a little more than half of what is has been exterminated.
The main body of Eldar, at the end of Daemon turn 3. The Bloodcrushers lost only 1 despite being hit by both of the Lynx's Pulsars; in return they managed to
explode the Fire Prism that had crept around the ruins. The plan here was to multiassault Eldrad and the Wraithguard, but it failed. The Seekers didn't get the distance, and the surviving Daemonettes and lone Fiend failed to put a dent in them. Miraculously 2 Daemonettes survived to lock the unit in assault.
The other side of the board, also turn 3. Most of the objectives are on this side of the board, fortunately for me. Everything in the corner rushes forward, trying to stop the two Wave Serpents just off screen. |
Bottom of Daemon turn 4. The Bloodcrushers finished off the wounded Wraithlord after it charged them, but are close to being wiped out. I've had a little more luck on the opposite flank. The Subjugator managed to assault and wreck one of the Wave Serpents, while combined shooting from the Daemon Princes, and its Sonic weapons managed to wreck the other. |
Long shot of the table, around turn four. Daemonettes and a Keeper of Secrets are advancing on one squad of Dire Avengers, while the other squad scrambles to get away from the Subjugator bearing down on them. With little to lose, the foremost Avengers advance, and manage to blast the Plaguebearers off an objective. |
At this point we called it. With the Dire Avengers gone and only one scoring unit remaining, the Eldar had no way to outscore the Daemons, and too few units to contest. For a moment on Turn 5 it looked like the Seer Council might be able to do it, but they were finally torn apart by 2 units of Horrors, the Subjugator, Fateweaver, and a pair of Daemon Princes. |