Monday, July 11, 2011

They Just Keep on Coming...

Fourth round of the Escalation League is kicking up to 1250 this week, and we're finally starting to approach the point where everyone is playing with a distinct force. Overall I've been pretty surprised at how things have turned out; the Xenos are making a clean sweepwhile most of the MEQ armies are in retreat or absent entirely. The rarity of power armor is starting to make this feel like like an entirely different game. At the moment an Ork foot list backed up by Looted Wagons and  Lootas seems to be racking up the most victories. I'm not sure if I can take him in a straight fight with the list I'll be bringing, since I've left what few templates I have til 1500, but it should make for an interesting matchup if I draw him. Overall the Dark Eldar players are the ones (w)racking up the most kills, although none of them have really dialed in on how best to use their troops yet. The Tau and Craftworld Eldar are starting to put the hurt on their opponents, and even the Khornate Daemon player is beginning to reap his tally of skulls. Our resident Chaos Marine player has been hit pretty hard, but that should change once his Obliterators finally arrive.

Imperial Guard and Space Marines of all stripes have been scrabbling for victories for the most part - there aren't that many of either, and most of them are newer players who are still figuring out their own strengths and vulnerabilities. Our resident Necron player is winless, but has only gotten in a pair of games with them, and actually shows signs of making them about as dangerous as they can possibly be - I suspect he's going to be one of the more feared opponents when his codex gets its rumored update in a few months. Sadly Tyranids are bringing up the rear - mine are benched for the time being, and the other Hive Fleet is trying to stuff MCs, Warriors, and minimal fire support into very few points, with predictable results.

Here's what I'm bringing to the party  Thursday:


Great Unclean One - 160

-It won't win many combats, but will take some killing to stop. Hopefully it'll get to eat some Long Fangs/Lootas.

Herald of Tzeentch w/ Daemonic Gaze, Master of Sorcery, Bolt of Tzeentch, Chariot - 100, x2 

-Vehicle hunters, pure and simple. I'd trade Tyranid Harpies for these in a heartbeat.


5 Fiends of Slaanesh - 150


10 Daemonettes - 140 

-Scoring unit, and 40 rending attacks can do some damage with a little luck.

5 Plaguebearers - 75, x2

-Objective holders and the occasional speedbump.

Fast Attack:

10 Seekers of Slaanesh - 170

- 50 rending attacks has to get something, right? 

Heavy Support:

Daemon Prince w/ Bolt of Mark of Tzeentch, Bolt of Tzeentch - 140, x2

- More AT fire, with some extra combat muscle thrown in.


  1. Looks like a solid list. I have found Daemonettes to be a little lackluster at times, but they occasionally have their moments of greatness.

    This list is very similar to one I tried out in a Vassal game. I prefer Soul Grinders over Daemon Princes, but I will have to playtest more.

    When I come back to Arkham, I'll have some Daemons to throw down as well. :)

  2. The Daemonettes are there because I wanted a Slaaneshi-themed list, but they've proven to be a bit better than expected - a save against bolters, loads of attacks, and offensive grenades puts them on par with Genestealers.

    I thought about the Soul Grinders, but didn't really like them being the only vehicle in the list. Besides that, their only real advantage is the Mawcannon, which is only BS3 and whose destruction renders the model a Daemon Prince that can be immobilized.

  3. Got in a test game with it this evening against Imperial Guard; as it turns out, Daemon Princes can shred Leman Russ squadrons in assault. The Great Unclean One also made a perfect fire magnet, and just refused to give up its last wound after taking fire from most of the other army.

    I may have to reconsider the Soul Grinder; still not sold on the S10 shot, but the pie plate and flamer versions could be handy. I just wish the Mawcannon variants didn't all count as one weapon
