Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Bringing Swarmy Back

After getting in some practice with my Daemons and a test run with the Thousand Sons, I think it's time to take the Tyranids out for another meal. I was going to make this another post on my reserves list, but honestly I've hit a wall in the design with the models I've got. Even allowing for new models, I don't think they'd provide any capability that would change the swarm's strengths and weaknesses much. Given that, I think its time to revisit the old swarm tactics. This is what I've got so far. It won't stand up to a truly mechanized force, but won't go down without a fight.


Hive Tyrant w/ Leech Essence, Paroxysm, Heavy Venom Cannon, TL BL Devourers, Old Adversary-235 

2 Tyrant Guard w/ rending claws and boneswords -150


Venomthrope - 55


19 Termagants - 95
19 Termagants - 95

Tervigon w/ Dominion, Cluster Spines, Toxin Sacs, Adrenal Glands - 195

5 Warriors w/ rending claws, devourers, 1 barbed strangler - 185

Fast Attack:

20 Gargoyles - 120

Heavy Support:

Carnifex w/ scything talons & heavy venom cannon - 185

Carnifex w/ scything talons & heavy venom cannon - 185

Everything revolves around the Tyrant - it serves as a small deathstar, AT unit, and force multipler for the other broods. The general plan is to advance behind the Gargoyle screen while using the venom cannons to suppress and hopefully wreck a vehicle or two. With interlocking cover saves from the Venomthrope and screen, plus Catalyst, I should be able to keep most of the swarm intact until turns 2 &3, at which point I can start softening up targets with symbiote fire and positioning for assaults with the MCs. If I can keep the Tyrant, Tervigon, and Termagants alive long enough and close enough together, then they should be able to sweep through just about anything in combat. If not then the game gets interesting pretty quickly. There are some builds that will just slaughter this list where it stands, but I'm not too likely to encounter them anytime soon. It will also help that most of the local players haven't seen a properly executed Tyranid swarm (as much as that even exists with the current codex) before.

As a final note, there are no Hive Guard because I hate the unit - they're all but mandatory in a Tyranid list because of their anti-transport role, but they're one dimensional in terms of use and can't be taken in sufficient numbers to actually shoot down a really meched up force. I'll have more fun flipping the occasional tank with the Carnifexes, albeit less success.

Any thoughts?

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