Thursday, December 22, 2011

I'll See Your Grey Knights, and Raise You...

This... at 1998 points.


Great Unclean One -160

Fateweaver - 333

6 Fiends of Slaanesh w/ Unholy Might -190

5 Bloodcrushers w/ Icon, Fury, Instrument - 240


5 Plaguebearers - 75

5 Plaguebearers - 75

10 Daemonettes - 140

10 Daemonettes - 140 

5 Horrors w/ Bolt of Tzeentch -95

5 Horrors w/ Bolt of Tzeentch, Changeling - 100

Fast Attack:

10 Seekers of Slaanesh -170

Heavy Support:

Daemon Prince w/ Mark of Tzeentch, Bolt of Tzeentch - 140

Daemon Prince w/ Mark of Tzeentch, Bolt of Tzeentch - 140

I'm not sold on everything in this list yet, but I've been itching to try out Fateweaver, if for no other reason than that he'll make the GUO even more difficult to kill. The Seekers feel like the weak link, and truthfully I'd rather have something else for the points, but they have their moments. Besides, I'm not adding in another Daemon Prince until Raging Heroes gets moving on its new model line. On paper placing the GUO, Fateweaver, and Bloodcrushers in the same wave seems like it would present a nightmare for target priority and make taking out any of them extremely difficult... but that's just on paper. Actual practice may be different, but it seems like that combo in your face could buy time and positioning for the rest of the army.


  1. I have one friend, who runs pure Khorne and the other runs pure Tzeentch. Personally, I've never run them, so I can't offer any suggestions beyond use some trickery, so you can run them in 40k and Fantasy. Here is the Tzeentch guy's blog

  2. Thanks for the link - looked like an interesting battle report. The more I look at the above list, the less I like it. I think the problem is that Fateweaver doesn't synergize well with the 1500 pt list I used as the basis. It can do and take plenty of damage in the right circumstances, but could also fold pretty quickly.
