Sunday, July 8, 2012

Tyranids in 6th - the 1st List

So, after a few test games, here's what I'm thinking of running at 1500


Hive Tyrant with Biomancy, Wings, Scything Talons, TL BL devourers, Hive Commander, Toxin Sacs


8 Ymgarl Genestealers -184
8 Ymgarl Genestealers - 184

2 Hive Guard - 100


20 Termagants - 100

20 Termagants - 100

Tervigon w/ Dominion, Cluster Spines, Toxin Sacs, Adrenal Glands, Catalyst - 195

Tervigon w/ 3 powers, subbed for Biomancy, Toxin Sacs, Adrenal Glands, Crushing Claws -235

Fast Attack:

20 Gargoyles - 120

Rough idea is to use the Gargoyles to grant cover to the Termagants and Tyrant and as a speed bump. Tyrant and Ymgarl stealers hit targets of opportunity while the rest of the swarm closes in. I've equipped the Tervigons differently in the hopes of actually using the one with claws in assault. It seems like a long shot, but the idea's been floated on a few other blogs, and doesn't seem as crazy as it did last addition with some of the buffs available via Biomancy.


  1. Why does the Hive Tyrant have Hive Commander? Wouldn't preferred enemy be a little better?

    Otherwise, it looks pretty solid. I think Nids got some help overall, since their major weakness was assaulting vehicles, which has been made considerably easier.

  2. I'm trying very hard not to be angry about the changes to reserves.

    If I'm doing it right, the Hive Tyrant will be too far ahead of the main swarm to do much buffing via Old Adversary. Hive Commander is to make it a little more likely that the Ymgarls pop up on turn 2, as well as let me outflank the Crushing claws-equipped Tervigon.
