Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Swarm Gathers...

After a little more playing, here's the rough draft of the list I'll be fielding next weekend.


The Swarmlord w/ 1 Tyrant Guard

Hive Tyrant w/ Leech Essence, Paroxysm, Scything talons, TL BL Devourers, Wings, Hive Commander


2 Hive Guard

Zoanthrope in Mycetic Spore

Zoanthrope in Mycetic Spore


15 Termagants

Tervigon w/ Dominion, Cluster spines, Catalyst, Toxin Sacs, Adrenal glands, scything talons

10 Termagants w/devourers in Mycetic Spore

20 Genestealers w/toxin sacs, Broodlord w/ toxin sacs, scything talons, implant attack

Fast Attack:

20 Gargoyles w/ toxin sacs

Heavy Support:



Carnifex w/ TL BL devourersx2 in Mycetic Spore

Still feels rough around the edges. I'd considered the Doom of Malan'tai, but it never seems to do anything other than die after sucking off a wound or two, and I think I'll need the Hive Guard more. Not really wild about the Termagants on foot, but the Traitor has to hide somewhere in Mission 1, and they can at least claim an objective in Mission 2; in Mission 3 they can ... die, hopefully taking something with them. I'd prefer the Genestealers in 2 groups to claim objectives in Mission 2, but with the Swarmlord on hand they have a good chance of appearing where they need to and can take some punishment without going down, particularly if I can keep Catalyst on them. It's tempting to swap the Mawloc back in for one of the Trygons. As dense as the board is likely to be it should at least have a target.

Mission 1:  I'll have to play aggressively and focus fire. If I can arrive together, cripple a flank, and absorb the return attack, then I should have a chance. I can't afford to spread out, especially against a list with fewer units; in my test game I managed to kill the Traitor, keep mine alive, tie on victory points... and still lost the game by a good 6 KP. While I'm at it, I'd like to give an extra special Fuck You! to the FAQ writer who decided ICs couldn't ride in Mycetic Spores - because of you designing this list was much more frustrating than it needed to be. But not quite as much as in...

Mission 2:  And an extra, extra special Fuck You!! to whoever wrote this mission. Since Outflank would be amazingly useful here, particularly for an army with limited mobility, obviously it must be disallowed. I'm going to have to start on the table here; how many units go on will depend on the opponent, but the Swarmlord, Gargoyles, Tervigon, Gaunts, and Genestealers will likely form the core. Hopefully I can hold the center and 1 of the secondary objectives while contesting the others.

Mission 3: Finally, Victory Points! I can afford to do what my swarm does best here - appear from nowhere, pick off high value targets with expendable units, then move in for the kill. Deployment and target priority will depend largely upon my opponent and how they react to my (non)setup.

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