Sunday, August 19, 2012

6th Edition Tyranids - Mark II

As my game count in 6th edition steadily rises, I've been making some refinements to the last 1500 list. Here's the next iteration I hope to test out.


Hive Tyrant w/ Biomancy x2, scything talons, Wings, TL BL devourers, Hive Commander -270

My earlier enthusiasm for the unit is starting to wane. It is every bit as destructive as I thought it would be, but it lives and dies by grounding tests and psychic powers.

Tyranid Prime w/ scything talons and dual boneswords - 90

This guy will be shepherding a unit of Termagants, either on a rear objective or outflanking via Hive Commander.


8 Ymgarl Genestealers - 184
8 Ymgarl Genestealers - 184

These units are so useful they're starting to feel like a crutch. Arriving on a 2+ thanks to Hive Commander and able to move and assault during the same turn, at least one unit has gotten into assault on Turn 2 every game I've played thus far. While expensive, they can cause outsized disruption via actual damage and dictating your opponent's deployment.


20 Termagants - 100
20 Termagants - 100
20 Termagants - 100

Not much to these guys. Scoring units, bullet catchers, and tarpits. While only an actual threat near a Tervigon, blocks of 20 Termagants take some serious firepower to destroy.

Tervigon w/ Biomancy x3, Stinger Salvo, Crushing Claws, Toxin Sacs, Adrenal Glands - 235

Tervigon w/ Biomancy x3, Stinger Salvo, Crushing Claws, Toxin Sacs, Adrenal Glands - 235

This loadout has proved surprisingly useful. In addition to buffing and creating Termagants, they can, via Biomancy, strip away hull points, boost nearby units, and become near unstoppable juggernauts in combat.

The basic strategy is just a 1-2 punch. The Tyrant and Ymgarls, possibly with some outflanking Termagants, represent an immediate threat that must be dealt with, while the Tervigons and Termagants rush forward to secure objectives, lock down dangerous units, and generally bury my opponent in numbers.

The lack of ranged firepower is deliberate. Tyranids cannot win a firefight against any other army, especially in an environment with MSU mech and fliers. What they do have is a multitude of Smash attacks, S4 hits to rear armor via Termagants, and enough mid-strength shots to strip away hull points at critical junctures.

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