Sunday, May 22, 2011

Apocalypse Images

A few images shamelessly stolen from my opponent, Steve. Hive Fleet Tzimisce arrived to harvest this hapless Imperial planet just as the Deff Skullz were about to capture the bitz and gubbinz their Big Mek needed for his latest creation. The Orks were spoiling for a fight after the local PDF's miserable show of resistance, so they took a short break from their salvage operation to have some fun.

Above, the Ork deployment. From left to right the Stompa and its attendant Kans and Deff Dread, Lootas overlooking the Ork Disruptor Beacon, a Skullhamma Battle Fortress surrounded by Buggies, Trukks, a Battle Wagon, and flanked by several infantry squads perched in the ruins.

The initial Tyranid assault was a suicide run at the Disruptor Beacon - 4 Zoanthropes podded in, while 2 sets of Lictors burst from cover.  Only 1 of the Zoanthropes was halted by the Beacon, which mishapped back into reserve. The Beacon and Battlewagon went down to Warp Lances, while the Lictors, punching well above their weight class, took on the Stompa, actually managing to stop its Blasta from firing. Also pictured in the center is a Looted Wagon, apparently piloted by Orkwin Waaaghmmel - this guy hasn't missed a shot, been destroyed, or lost control of his tank in the last 3 games.

And now the trap is sprung. 40 Gaunts, 26 Genestealers, and a dozen Monstrous Creatures use Flank March to surround the Orks. In retrospect I seriously messed up this stage and overcommitted on my right flank. The only units on that half of the table were the Bikers and Deffkoptas, and I could have used the extra bodies to take the objective in the ruins. Ah, hindsight.

And the same turn from the other side; five Carnifexes move on to the board. They were subsequently able to smash through the Kan wall protecting the Stompa and wreck it, inflicting 10 penetrating hits and setting off an apocalyptic blast.

We used random length, which ended the game on turn 6. The sole survivor of the Warboss's retinue managed to snag an objective, while a 30 strong mob of Shootaboyz burst out of the wreckage of their tank and managed to  kill the Trygon and Tyrant that had wrecked it. The Orks had about 500 points of models against 2000 points of Tyranids, but he had the objectives and I didn't.

The Hive Fleet may have taken the planet and its biomass, but who knows what weapons the Orks will create with their freshly stolen technology?


  1. Tyranid at high point levels perform exceedingly well. Suddenly those Carnifex broods don't hurt your points so bad. :P

    Looks like it was a fun game! And what store was this at? It looks nice!

  2. Four Horsemen up in Morgantown - they just moved to a larger location to open up more gaming space. Between time constraints and gas prices I haven't gotten a chance to visit Arkham in the last month and a half, sadly.

    It was great fun breaking out the Fexes after they'd spent so much time on the shelf. Destroyer weapons will still shred them, but there weren't any on the field, and their ridiculous strength is perfect for bringing down superheavies.

  3. Hehe, your reference to Irwin Rommel amused me. I'll have to remember that. That boom gun wagon has done so well over the last couple of games that I broke down and converted a second one using a chimera chassis.

    Given the poor luck I've had with boss poles over the last couple of weeks, I'm seriously thinking of dropping them and spending the points that frees up for something else.

    All in all it was a fun game. It was the first time I've been able to field the skullhamma and stompa, and I think I learned alot about their uses. My biggest mistake, I believe, was deploying the stompa and it's screen of walkers where I did.

    We need to do this again.
