Sunday, May 29, 2011


Let me preface this by saying that I may have lost my mind. I've been thinking about how to adapt the Tyranids after taking my first bite of Grey Knight. I don't like the taste; even with the dice in my favor and an ideal list matchup, the Nids were only able to eke out the narrowest of victories. It was a very fun game with a great opponent, but does not inspire confidence in my ability to win in a tournament environment.

It's not the force weapons, psycannons, or Paladins that worry me - those are all problematic, but not much worse than what any other codex can throw out. The two greatest threats are a Dreadnought's enhanced Aegis ability and the Warp Quake psychic power. Aegis makes Zoanthropes nearly useless - psychic tests at Leadership 6 are awful, and become almost hopeless when there are Psychic Hoods about. Warp Quake is even worse, making one of the strengths of my list into a liability.

So this rules out point blank shooting and Warp Lances as my primary antitank methods, although I don't think I can dispense with either completely. What I need are midrange, high strength shots that can appear from nowhere. Hive Guard can provide the shots, but not the transport method; for that, I'm going to try Trygon tunnels. This is hardly an ideal solution since the tunnels can't be used until the turn after the Trygon arrives, but provides a fairly large area where the Guard can appear without scatter.

So for my next game I'll be testing out something like this at 1500


Tervigon w/ Dominion, Cluster Spines, & Catalyst


2 Hive Guard
2 Hive Guard
2 Zoanthropes


8 Genestealers
8 Genestealers

10 Termagants in Mycetic Spore
10 Termagants in Mycetic Spore

Heavy Support:


This configuration still needs some work; I'd really love those Trygons to be Primes to control the Guard and Termagants, but just can't scrape up the points at this level. The lack of Hive Commander is also a big concern.  It'll slow the Tyranid assault, but I'm gambling that it'll increase the chances of the Guard being able to use the tunnels rather than simply walk on.

Feels like I'm heading in the right direction, but am only halfway there. Any thoughts?

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