Sunday, May 1, 2011

So, not much time to play lately, but I have managed to get some list building and planning in. I'm still not sure how far to take the Spore pod/MSU build, but I think it has some potential. I'm less sold on my  earlier Flexibility design - in practice it left too many points far away from the action. The test game I got in was a very narrow loss, but should have been a cakewalk with any of my prior lists. As big a disadvantage as it will be against Grey Knights, I think I'm just going to have to deal. Splitting my force carries its own pitfalls, but a unit that uses Warp Quake can't activate its force weapons or use Hammerhand that turn. It'll be an uphill fight, but you don't get to be a void swimming, hyper-evolved super predator by only hunting easy meat.

So, here's my revised list; fairly close to the original, but with shots coming from multiple directions and able to get more units deeper onto the board.


Tyrant w/ Wings, lashwhip and bonesword, Paroxysm, Leech Essence, TL BL devourers, Hive Commander  -270


1 Zoanthrope in Mycetic Spore -100
1 Zoanthrope in Mycetic Spore - 100
1 Zoanthrope in Mycetic Spore -100


8 Genestealers w/ toxin sacs - 136
8 Genestealers w/ toxin sacs-136

Tervigon w/ Dominion, Cluster Spines, Catalyst, Toxin Sacs, Adrenal Glands - 195

10 Termagants in Mycetic Spore - 90

Heavy Support:

Mawloc - 170

Trygon -200

I'd really like to find a way to upgrade the Trygon to a Prime, but it doesn't seem entirely necessary at this level. Hopefully I'll get a chance to playtest it soon. It seems weak in some ways, but as  a whole I think it's more dangerous than the sum of its parts.

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