Sunday, September 11, 2011

All Is Dust...

All the discussion of 6th edition and its speculated refashioning of Chaos has gotten me itching to break out my Thousand Sons again. All well and good, but I'm not going back to the actual Chaos Marines codex - a few months of that was enough to last a lifetime. Although Blood Angels are tempting as a stand in, for now I'll be using the  Space Marines to represent them on the field. Here's the projected list at 1500:


Librarian w/ Force Dome and The Avenger


Ironclad Dreadnought w/ dual heavy flamers, Drop Pod

7 Sternguard w/ combimeltas, Rhino


Tactical Squad: Missile launcher, meltagun, combimelta, Rhino

Tactical Squad: Missile launcher, flamer, combiflamer, Rhino

Tactical Squad: Missile launcher, plasmagun, Razorback w/ lascannon & TL plasmagun

Heavy Support:

Predator w/ autocannon and heavy bolters

Predator w/ autocannon and heavy bolters 

Thunderfire Cannon & Techmarine gunner

The basic idea is to win through superior mobility and firepower. The Razorback squad and Thunderfire cannon act as a firebase, preferably in a bolstered ruin, while the other two Tac squads advance to midfield. Missile launcher combat squads can be held back from the Rhino squads as needed. Meanwhile the Predators start opening up transports and forcing saves. The Sternguard act as a hammer unit via shooting, with the Librarian attached for some extra punch. Finally the dreadnought serves as a deterrent for swarms and an irritant for heavy weapon teams.



  1. Do all of the Sternguard have combi-meltas? If so, that's a little much I think... throw in some combi-flamers for a more dual purpose unit. Although 250 points for a unit that die like your tacticals really sucks sometimes...

    Otherwise I think the list is awesome. It's a very balanced force. Codex Space Marines really comes into its strength with a pure mechanized force focused on shooting and combat tactics away.

    Would this whole list have thousand sons models in it?

  2. Thousand Sons models down to the Khemrian Warsphinx with Techmarine/Sorceror standing in for the Thunderfire.

    It just seemed right to embrace the overkill on the Sternguard, although I'll have to play around with their armament to get a better feel for it. I've been primarily using them as a ranged hammer; they're so-so in combat even with the Librarian, but taking seven melta shots to the face can really take the fight out of a unit.
