Monday, September 19, 2011

Arkham Games Tournament - Preliminary List

On October 15 Arkham Games, the store that allowed me to get back into 40k after nearly 2 years will be holding a  1500 pt tournament run by my friend and sole reader, Rarkthor. After putting in a good showing with my Daemons (and running them in a local campaign) I think it's time to let the Tyranids off the leash. Here's what I've got so far.

Hive Tyrant w/ Leech Essence, Paroxysm, Armored Shell, TL BL devourers, Heavy Venom Cannon, Old Adversary

2 Zoanthropes

2 Hive Guard

1 Venomthrope

11 Genestealers

Tervigon w/ Dominion, Cluster Spines, Catalyst, Toxin Sacs, Adrenal Glands

20 Termagants

20 Termagants



It's the first swarm list I've run in a while, but has just about everything it needs - numbers, close combat muscle, synapse coverage, and durability. It could definitely be optimized, but can at least fight its way out of a wet paper bag, possibly even a reinforced cardboard box.


  1. Speaking of my tournament, what do you think of the missions and rules? Be completely honest in your review.

    In terms of this list, I think it will do fairly well. Are the trygons deep striking? I also think that breaking the 20 Termagants into blocks of 10 might be beneficial. 5 objectives all the time lends itself to having more troops than usual, although the Tervigon helps in that department.

    and to be fair, you are often my sole reader as well. It's a nice symbiotic relationship :P

    Oh and tell the Four Horsemen guys they are welcome to come down.

  2. Trygons will be deploying on the table, unless my opponent's setup gives me a particular reason to deepstrike them. I think I can hold enough objectives with 4+ troop choices; the Termagant broods are bulked up mainly to see how annoying they can be with buffs from the Tervigon and Venomthrope. I'll have to see how I feel about them after some playtesting - there may be more Genestealers and Hormagaunts in the list by October.

    I like your tournament set up, although I think mission one is going to take some claw-work with the above list. The rotating victory conditions should ensure everyone is on the same page.

    I'm a little curious why you went with the modified KP formula instead of straight victory points, but I think it'll work just fine as is.

  3. I wanted Kill Points to matter in the tournament. Like them or not, they are still a facet of 5th edition, and they should have some impact on the game. In addition, victory points make the best definite tie-breaker for every mission.
