Saturday, February 25, 2012

Second Shots

As the battle for Jegara entered its second phase, the conflict became even more desperate. A battered Imperial fleet was finally able concentrate around Ogrys V and use the wreckage of its space facilities as a staging point, but with fighting confined to such a small area, it could provide little fire support. Aerial cover was also limited, as Xenos forces on the ground still maintained significant AA and intercept capability. Even more worryingly, Eldar, Necron, and Orkish vessels still patrolled the outer system, and kept up a relentless series of harassing attacks and blockade runs to support their own ground forces. Reports of a "ghost ship" tentatively identified as a decommissioned Grand Cruiser, as well as an abnormally high and unexplained loss of picket forces, indicate that a Daemon possessed Chaos vessel may also have been present. This is the most likely explanation for the attack on the Salamander Strike Cruiser Breath of Agni, which was left crippled and drifting on the edges of the system after it was forced from the Warp and fired upon by a ship that then vanished. The only unvarnished good news for the Imperium was the unheralded arrival of a Battle Company of Dark Angels, whose Strike Cruiser arrived just in time to repel an Eldar blockade run.

On the ground, the situation threatened to spiral completely out of control for all sides. Reinforced by the arrival of the rest of the fleet, Reaper Squadron began to severely harass the Tau supply lines. Squadron records are silent on the matter, but tactical analysis indicates that this action was to have been made in concert with the Swiftwind Eldar, who were intercepted prior to their engagement by a Dark Angels vanguard force. Reaper Squadron's efforts against the Tau might have been successful despite the failure of their allies, if not for the last minute diversion of forces in a futile defensive action against a surprise Daemon attack. Little was accomplished by any of the dueling forces, as their plans were laid waste by bad luck. Even the Orks were not immune, suffering severe damage to a newly constructed Stompa in the process of repelling a Daemon raid. A subsequent successful raid into Necron held territory for extra shooty gubbinz was also rendered pointless when the Orkish survivors had to stop their looting and fight a localized civil war to determine the new Warboss.

Zog this - they ain't getting back up no more! Where's the fun in that?

Nob Spinebreaka, last surviving Ard Boy, surveying Necron wreckage.

They are here. The others will not bar our way.

- transmission from Dark Angels ground forces to the Strike Cruiser Lion's Jaws

All units advance! This is still Imperial Ground, and we are the Emperor's Hammer! Show no mercy!

- Captain Ijarna, Reaper Squadron Epsilon, open transmission just prior to an assault on Tau lines

The forces of the Great Enemy still surround the Spear, but they cannot unlock its power. Still, their hold on this world is strong, and they have made common cause with our oldest foes. Our situation is grave, but not all the pieces are yet on the board...

-transmission intercepted by Strike Cruiser Breath of Agni, presumable to Eldar vessels in the outer system.

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