Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Third Wave

Chapter 3

Despite suffering severe casualties, the Imperial investiture of Jegara began to solidify. The Warp instability that had caused so much damage to the initial wave had all but dissipated, and both Imperial Guard and Navy units were at last able to concentrate and fight from a position of strength rather than hurl themselves desperately into the fray. Imperial efforts were further aided by internecine fighting between the various Xenos forces.

Reaper Squadron Epsilon's heroic stand against the Daemons and Necrons infesting the central city at last paid off, as the Xenos attacks against its lines finally faltered. Although it had suffered heavy losses, the valiant Guard formation had held its lines long enough for reinforcements to arrive and relieve them, most a full Great Company of Space Wolves whose Strike Cruiser had been delayed in the Warp.

More good news was to be had on the opposite flank. Having learned from their prior haste, the Crimson Templar and the Guard units under their command stopped a combined Ork and Tau force in its tracks, gaining critical time and space to plan their next move. One aspect of the battle was worrying, however. Prior to the commencement of operations, there appears to have been a substantial firefight between the Crimson Templar and members of the Dark Angels. The reason for this intra-Imperial violence remains unclear, but it was brought to an end only when High Marshal Thograr bested the Dark Angel commander, Sammael, in personal combat.

In another stroke of luck for the Imperium's cause, the Aile'fin Eldar's attempt to cordon off a daemonically infested hab block from their route to the Palace of Peace went disastrously wrong in the face of a Slaaneshi counterattack. Eldar prescience proved no match for daemonic illusion; only the presence of Farseer Mua'din prevented the Eldar force from being completely enthralled and destroyed by their Great Enemy.

In the coming days, Imperial commanders would be able to bring ever greater amounts of troops and material to bear...

Kill! Them! ALL!

- closing words of High Marshal Thograr's pre-battle address to the Crimson Templar and their Guard auxiliaries

Presence of a Fallen within the Crimson Templar confirmed. Identity still unknown.

-intercepted Dark Angel squad transmission

Run away, little Eldar. Let your soul season a while longer before offering it up to Me. Your underlings can keep us company in the meantime.

- Pasiphae, to Farseer Mua'din

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