Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Next Wave at 2000

So here's the latest iteration of my swarm at 2000 points. The two biggest changes are the Trygons and the Hormagaunts. On the Trygons, I couldn't justify the cost of the Prime upgrades; the extra synapse, Shadow in the Warp, and firepower were nice, but made the list more difficult to scale without giving it any new capabilities. The Hormagaunts are something entirely new. There have been a few games were I have really felt the lack of a unit that could put out a massive number of wounds, and I think I need that capability. Previously I've used  devourer-armed Gaunts for that role, but they tend to only get one shot off before being neutralized, and lose effectiveness against high Toughness models. I can't help but think about how that combat against the Thunderwolves would have gone if I'd had a unit capable of forcing more saves - 3+ and 3++ have to give out eventually.


Hive Tyrant w/ Leech Essence, Paroxysm, Scything talons, Wings, Hive Commander, TL BL devourers -270


1 Zoanthrope in Mycetic Spore
1 Zoanthrope in Mycetic Spore

2 Hive Guard


8 Genestealers
8 Genestealers

10 Termagants in Mycetic Spore
10 Termagants in Mycetic Spore

Tervigon w/ Stinger Salvo, Dominion, Catalyst, Toxin Sacs, Adrenal Glands

20 Hormagaunts w/ Toxin Sacs in Mycetic Spore

Heavy Support:


Carnifex w/ TL BL devourers x2 in Mycetic Spore

I'd still like more Synapse coverage, but the only unit it will really hinder is the Carnifex. The Hormagaunts might get Swept every now and again, but they're about as likely to die in a Sweeping Advance as they are to fall back, rally, and assault again.

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